Don’t Let It Vent: 100% VOC Recovery
The OP16 Gas Turbine enables...
- Use of VOCs to generate electricity & heat in shuttle tankers
- High power to weight ratio: compact & light weight
- Low maintenance & high reliability
- Low NOx & CO emission turbine adhering to IMO Tier III emission requirements without SCRs
- Seamless dual fuel operation
- Operate with dynamically changing LHV and composition
- Unmatched resistance to extremely contaminated and unstable fuel

The OP16 gas turbines are used as an energy source on tankers. Tankers, such as oil tankers or LNG (liquefied natural gas) carriers, require a reliable and efficient power source to propel the vessel and support onboard systems.
The OP16 gas turbine is utilized to combust volatile organic compound (VOC) vapors from oil tankers. VOCs are emitted during the loading and unloading of crude oil or petroleum products from tankers, and their release negatively contributes to air pollution and environmental concerns.
The OP16 gas turbines installed on tankers can also serve as onboard power generators for various auxiliary systems, refrigeration and other.
The OPRA OP16 Gas Turbine combines extremely high-power density with a high reliability and availability, well-established maintenance and monitoring practices. The OP16 meets the highest standards for FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading), offshore and marine applications.
Floating power plants are self-contained units that can be deployed near coastal areas or in remote locations where land-based power infrastructure is limited or unavailable. Lightweight design and small footprint allow the OP16 Gas turbine to be used in floating power plants as a reliable and flexible source of electricity generation.